Monday, February 14, 2011

Rubik's Cube: You fickle mistress

I've been at this damn cube since Feb 4th.  I will not accept any help or cheats.
Me vs Rubik's.  And right now he's kicking my ass.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

First Post

Hello and welcome,

I am attempting the most thorough, diverse, and feasible bucket list imaginable.  It might take some time to accomplish everything, but time is what I have.  Here's a brief summary of what I have done so far, and then we will move onto challenges.

Catch a fish and eat it
Bungee Jump
Backpack Europe
Nude Model
Skinny Dip in the Mediterrean at midnight
Watch AFI top 100 films
Learn a different langauge (French, Spanish, some German and Russian)
Throw message in a bottle out to sea
Read the Bible
Make love on a public bus
Read the plays of Shakespeare
Fast for 48 hours
Be a vegetarian for a week

What's to come: Rubik's cube, and watch all the James Bond films.  Here goes!